Russ Hollier
Dog Training
Serving Ithaca and the Finger Lakes
Canine Manners and More for a Lifetime

Training your own service dog.
Dogs are playing a greater role in assisting individuals with disabilities. However, obtaining a service dog from an agency may require a lengthy waiting period and may be financially out of reach for many individuals and their families..
Many individuals consider training their own service dog but realize they lack the background and experience to fully take on this task.
I can assist you in training your own service dog for mobility, hearing assistance, and psychiatric disabilities.
Training your own service dog requires a huge commitment by the individual, the trainer, and the dog. Self-training is the most challenging of the options for obtaining a service dog but is the least expensive of obtaining a pre-trained dog or enrolling in a guided training program. Before beginning training we will meet to get to know one another and discuss what your individual needs are , selecting a dog and the scope of the training.
All training will be designed to meet the requirements of service dogs as described in the Americans With Disabilities Act. With professional help many people are capable of training to the ADA standard. The dog must be specifically trained to perform useful tasks that mitigate the disability as well as being well socialized, confident and biddable.
When a person with a service animal enters a public facility or place of public accommodation, the person cannot be asked about the nature or extent of his disability. Only two questions may be asked and as a handler of a service animal, you must be prepared to honestly answer.
1. Is the animal required because of a disability?
2. What work or task has the animal been trained to perform?
Emotional Support Animals
"While Emotional Support Animals or Comfort Animals are often used as part of a medical treatment plan as therapy animals, they are not considered service animals under the ADA. These support animals provide companionship, relieve loneliness, and sometimes help with depression, anxiety, and certain phobias, but do not have special training to perform tasks that assist people with disabilities. Even though some states have laws defining therapy animals, these animals are not limited to working with people with disabilities and therefore are not covered by federal laws protecting the use of service animals."